Question 151

David is working on a pen testing assignment as a junior consultant. His supervisor told him to test a web application for SQL injection. The supervisor also informed David the web application is known to

be vulnerable to the “admin' OR '” injection. When David tried this string, he received a WAF error message the input is not allowed.

Which of following strings could David use instead of the above string to bypass the WAF filtering?

     ' union select

     exec sp_addsrvrolemember 'name' , 'sysadmin'

     admin') or '1'='1'--

     ' or username like char(37);

Question 152

Chris, a penetration tester working with a large software company, is testing the company’s web servers for vulnerabilities. What can he do to find other domains that share the same web servers in a

target organization?

     Perform reverse lookup using nslookup

     Perform reverse lookup with the USENET

     Perform reverse lookup using YouGetSignal

     Perform reverse lookup using nmap

Question 153

Analyze the ICMP packet below and mark the correct statement.
     It is a ping request, but the destination port is unreachable

     It is a ping packet that requires fragmentation, but the Don't Fragment flag is set

     It is a ping response, when the destination host is unknown

     It is a ping request, but the destination network is unreachable

Question 154

As a normal three-way handshake mechanism system A sends an ACK packet to system B. However, system A does not send an ACK packet to system B. In this case, client B is waiting for an ACK packet from client A.

What is the status of client B?





Question 155

James, a penetration tester, found a SQL injection vulnerability in the website He used sqlmap and extracted the website’s databases from the sql server,

one of them being “offices.” Which among the following sqlmap queries does James issue in order to extract the tables related to the database “offices”?

     sqlmap -u “” --dbs offices --T

     sqlmap -u “” --dbs offices --tables

     sqlmap -u “” --dbs offices -T

     sqlmap -u “” --dbs offices -tables

Question 156

During a pen test, you are presented with a web application which has a login page. Your task is to use Burp Suite and perform a dictionary attack to crack the user credentials. Which among the following

intruder payload methods will you choose if you have to use multiple payload sets and crack the usernames and passwords?

     Battering fork


     Battering ram

     Cluster bomb

Question 157

What is the command nmap -e eth0 -S used for?

     Perform Ethernet scan

     Change Ethernet connection status

     Spoof an IP Address

     Spoofing Packets

Question 158

Charles, a network penetration tester, is part of a team assessing the security of perimeter devices of an organization. He is using the following Nmap command to bypass the firewall: nmap -D,,

What is Charles trying to do?

     Cloaking a scan with decoys

     Packet Fragmentation

     Spoofing source address

     Spoofing source port number

Question 159

During a WordPress web application audit, you found a plugin ebook download version 1.1 installed and activated in the application. Upon research, it was found that the plugin has directory traversal vulnerability. The URL of the web application is Identify the URL which

allows you to successfully exploit the vulnerability and download wp-config.php file.





Question 160

The Finger service displays information such as currently logged-on users, email address, full name, etc. Which among the following ports would you scan to identify this service during a penetration test?

     Port 69

     Port 79

     Port 89

     Port 99

Question 161

While scanning a server, you found rpcnfs and mountd services running on it. During the investigation, you were told that NFS Shares were mentioned in the /etc/exports list of the NFS server.

Based on this information, which among the following commands would you issue to view the NFS Shares running on the server?





Question 162

During an internal network audit, you are asked to see if there is any RPC server running on the network and if found, enumerate the associated RPC services. Which port would you scan to determine

the RPC server and which command will you use to enumerate the RPC services?

     Port 111, rpcenum

     Port 145, rpcinfo

     Port 145, rpcenum

     Port 111, rpcinfo

Question 163

Which of the following network perimeter devices is a victim of the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) attack?





Question 164

During a security assessment, you observed that one of the machines with the IP address has only SMB port open. As a part of the assessment, you wanted to perform a password audit using Hydra, so you have prepared wordlists for usernames and passwords with the namesUsernames.txt and Passwords.txt and stored them in Kali Linux root folder. Which among the following commands will you use to perform the attack?

     hydra -U /root/Usernames.txt -P /root/Passwords.txt smb

     hydra -L /root/Usernames.txt -P /root/Passwords.txt smb

     hydra -L /root/Usernames.txt -P /root/Passwords.txt 445

     hydra -U /root/Usernames.txt -P /root/Passwords.txt 445

Question 165

Which of the following tool can you use to find the publicly available email addresses of an organization?



     Google Dorks

     The Harvester

Question 166

During an internal network audit, you came across a Linux operating system which has a vulnerable

version of Apache server running on it with CGI enabled. If you are asked to exploit this machine with

the given information, which Metasploit exploit module would you choose in order to gain access to







Question 167

You are working on a pen testing assignment for National Healthcare Inc. The client has specifically

asked you for a Data Use Agreement (DUA).

What does it indicate?

     You are working with a HIPAA compliant organization

     You are working on a target that is not connected to the Internet

     You are working with a publicly traded organization

     The client organization does not want you to exploit vulnerabilities

Question 168

Arrange the steps in the correct order for creating a firewall policy:

i. Prepare a cost-benefit analysis to secure the network application(s)

      Create a network application traffic matrix to identify the protection method

        Identify the network application(s) vulnerabilities

        Identify the network applications that are of utmost importance

      Create a firewall ruleset which depends on the application’s traffic matrix





Question 169

During an internal network audit, you came across a Windows 7 SP1 operating system which has SMB

version 1 (SMBv1) server running on it. If you are asked to exploit this machine with the given information, which Metasploit exploit module would you choose in order to gain access to the machine?





Question 170

As a part of information gathering, you are given a website URL and asked to identify the operating system using passive OS fingerprinting. When you begin to use p0f tool and browse the website URL, the

tool captures the header information of all the packets sent and received, and decodes them. Which among the decoded request/response packets hold the operating system information of the remote operating system?





Question 171

Jason is working on a pen testing assignment. He is sending customized ICMP packets to a host in the target network. However, the ping requests to the target failed with “ICMP Time Exceeded Type = 11”

error messages.

What can Jason do to overcome this error?

     Increase the ICMP header length

     Set a Fragment Offset

     Increase the Window size in the packets

     Increase the TTL value in the packets

Question 172

Watson works as a Penetrating test engineer at Neo security services. The company found its wireless networks operating in an unusual manner, with signs that a possible cyber attack might have happened. Watson was asked to resolve this problem. Watson starts a wireless penetrating test, with the first step of discovering wireless networks by war-driving. After several thorough checks, he identifies that there is some problem with rogue access points and resolves it. Identifying rogue access

points involves a series of steps.

Which of the following arguments is NOT valid when identifying the rogue access points?

     If a radio media type used by any discovered AP is not present in the authorized list of media

     types, it is considered as a rogue AP

     If any new AP which is not present in the authorized list of APs is detected, it would


     considered as a rogue AP

     If the radio channel used by any discovered AP is not present in the authorized list of channels, it

     is considered as a rogue AP

     If the MAC of any discovered AP is present in the authorized list of MAC addresses, it would be

     considered as a rogue AP

Question 173

Dale is a network admin working in Zero Faults Inc. Recently the company’s network was compromised and is experiencing very unusual traffic. Dale checks for the problem that compromised

the network. He performed a penetration test on the network’s IDS and identified that an attacker sent

spoofed packets to a broadcast address in the network. Which of the following attacks compromised the network?

     Amplification attack

     MAC Spoofing

     ARP Spoofing

     Session hijacking

Question 174

If you are trying to determine whether the port is open by sending TCP probe packets with ACK flag set to a remote device, then which of the following statements is true about the header information of

received RST packets?

     If the WINDOW value of RST packet on port is zero, then that port is open

     If the WINDOW value of RST packet on a port is 1, then that port is closed

     If the TTL value of RST packet on a port is less than the boundary value of 64, then that port is


     If the TTL value of RST packet on a port is more than the boundary value of 64, then that port is


Question 175

Arrange the WEP cracking process in the correct order:

I.aireplay-ng -1 0 -e SECRET_SSID -a 1e:64:51:3b:ff:3e -h a7:71:fe:8e:d8:25 eth1

II.aircrack-ng -s capture.ivs

III.airmon-ng start eth1

IV.airodump-ng --ivs --write capture eth1

V.aireplay-ng -3 -b 1e:64:51:3b:ff:3e -h a7:71:fe:8e:d8:25 eth1





Question 176

While performing a web application vulnerability scan, Fred found that the application contained a cross-site scripting vulnerability in a text field. In order to document the vulnerability, he first needs to

verify that the vulnerability exists and the result is not false positive. Which among the following scripts

would he execute in the text field to prove that the vulnerability exists?

     1' or '1' = '1


     Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=xxxxxSameSite=Strict

     select title, text from news where id=$id

Question 177

Which of the following tool is used by a penetration tester to find all domains similar to a company’s domain name?




Question 178

Cindy, a network security analyst, is trying to locate a DNS PTR record within the organization’s IP range. Which of the following commands will help her to complete her search?

     traceroute -t

     nmap - - traceroute -r

     dnsrecon -t asfr -d

     dnsrecon -r

Question 179

During scanning of a test network, Paul sends TCP probe packets with the ACK flag set to a remote device and then analyzes the header information (TTL and WINDOW field) of the received RST packets

to find whether the port is open or closed.

Analyze the scanning result below and identify the open port.
     Port 20

     Port 23

     Port 22

     Port 21

Question 180

Mike, was asked by his Information Security Office to recommend a firewall for the company’s internal network which works at the network level of the OSI model. The firewall must filter the network

traffic based on specified session rules, such as when a session is initiated by a recognized computer. Which of the following firewall types should Mike recommend to his Information Security Office?

     Packet Filtering Firewall

     Stateful Multilayer Inspection Firewall

     Application Level Firewall

     Circuit Level Gateway

Question 181

During a pen test, June was able to successfully crack user credentials of an Ubuntu machine and connect to it using ssh. When trying to access a file containing sensitive information, the server returned

an error stating “Access Denied,” meaning the user account June cracked did not have sufficient privileges. She then tried to view the operating system version, planning to perform privilege escalation

if the backend server was running a vulnerable version of operating system. Which command would June issue in the ssh terminal to view the OS version of Ubuntu?





Question 182

Adam found a pen drive in his company’s parking lot. He connected it to his system to check the content. On the next day, he found that someone has logged into his company email account and sent

some emails. What type of social engineering attack has Adam encountered?


     Dumpster Diving

     Eaves Dropping

     Media Dropping

Question 183

Smith, a pen tester, has been hired to analyze the security posture of an organization and is trying to find the operating systems used in the network using Wireshark. What can be inferred about the selected packet in the Wireshark screenshot below?
     The machine with IP is running on Linux

     The machine with IP is running on Windows

     The machine with IP is running on Linux

     The machine with IP is running on Windows

Exam B (81 questions)

Question 184

The Finger service displays information such as currently logged-on users, email address, full name, etc. Which among the following ports would you scan to identify this service during a penetration test?

     Port 79

     Port 69

     Port 89

     Port 99

Question 185

Cedrick, who is a software support executive working for Panacx Tech. Inc., was asked to install Ubuntu operating system in the computers present in the organization. After installing the OS, he came to know that there are many unnecessary services and packages in the OS that were automatically

installed without his knowledge. Since these services or packages can be potentially harmful and can create various security threats to the host machine, he was asked to disable all the unwanted services.

In order to stop or disable these unnecessary services or packages from the Ubuntu distributions, which of the following commands should Cedrick employ?

     chkconfig [service name] off

     chkconfig [service name] –del

     # service [service name] stop

     # update-rc.d -f [service name] remove

Question 186

The penetration testers are required to follow predefined standard frameworks in making penetration testing reporting formats.

Which of the following standards does NOT follow the commonly used methodologies in penetration testing?

     Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

     Information Systems Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF)

     American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

     National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Question 187

Which of the following roles of Microsoft Windows Active Directory refers to the ability of an active directory to transfer roles to any domain controller (DC) in the enterprise?

     Master Browser (MB)

     Rights Management Services (RMS)

     Flexible Single Master Operation (FSMO)

     Global Catalog (GC)

Question 188

An attacker with a malicious intention decided to hack confidential data from the target organization. For acquiring such information, he started testing IoT devices that are connected to the target network. He started monitoring the network traffic passing between the IoT devices and the

network to verify whether credentials are being transmitted in clear text. Further, he also tried to crack the passwords using well-known keywords across all the interfaces. Which of the following IoT threats the attacker is trying to exploit?

     Insecure firmware

     Poor authentication

     Poor physical security

     Privacy concerns

Question 189

Recently, SecGlobal Corporation adopted a cloud service in which cloud service provider offers application software to subscribers on-demand over the Internet and the provider charges for it on a pay-per-use basis, by subscription, by advertising, or by sharing among multiple users. Identify the type of cloud service adopted by the organization?

     Anything as a service (XaaS)

     Software as a service (SaaS)

     Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

     Platform as a service (PaaS)

Question 190

The penetration testing team of MirTech Inc. identified the presence of various vulnerabilities in the web application coding. They prepared a detailed report addressing to the web developers regarding the findings. In the report, the penetration testing team advised the web developers to avoid the use of dangerous standard library functions. They also informed the web developers that the

web application copies the data without checking whether it fits into the target destination memory and is susceptible in supplying the application with large amount of data.

According to the findings by the penetration testing team, which type of attack was possible on the web application?

     SQL injection

     Cross-site scripting

     Buffer overflow


Question 191

John is a network administrator and he is configuring the Active Directory roles in the primary domain controller (DC) server. Whilst configuring the Flexible Single Master Operation (FSMO) roles in the primary DC, he configured one of the roles to synchronize the time among all the DCs in an enterprise. The role that he configured also records the password changes performed by other DCs in the domain, authentication failures due to entering an incorrect password, and processes account lockout activities.

Which of the following FSMO roles has John configured?

     PDC emulator

     Domain naming master

     Schema master

     RID master

Question 192

Stanley, a pen tester needs to perform various tests to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities. He has to make a list of all input fields whose values could be used in crafting a SQL query. This includes the hidden fields of POST requests and then test them separately, attempting to interfere with the query and cause an error to generate as a result.

In which of the following tests is the source code of the application tested in a non-runtime environment to detect the SQL injection vulnerabilities?

     Static Testing

     Function Testing

     Dynamic Testing

     Fuzz Testing

Question 193

Joe works as an engagement team lead with Xsecurity Inc. His pen testing team follows all the standard pentesting procedures, however, one of the team members inadvertently deletes a document

containing the client’s sensitive information. The client is using Xsecurity for damages.

Which part of the Penetration Testing Contract should Joe have written better to avoid this lawsuit?

     Non-disclosure clause

     Indemnification clause

     Fees and project schedule

     Objective of the penetration test

Question 194

GenSec Inc, a UK-based Company, uses Oracle database to store all its data. The company also uses Oracle DataBase Vault to restrict user access to specific areas of their database. GenSec hired a senior penetration tester and security auditor named Victor to check the vulnerabilities of the company’s Oracle DataBase Vault. He was asked to find all the possible vulnerabilities that can bypass the company’s Oracle DB Vault. Victor tried different kinds of attacks to penetrate into the company’s Oracle DB Vault and succeeded.

Which of the following attacks can help Victor to bypass GenSec’s Oracle DB Vault?

     Denial-of-Service Attack

     SQL Injection

     Man-in-the-Middle Attack

     Replay Attack

Question 195

In delivering penetration testing report, which of the following steps should NOT be followed?

     Always ask for a signed acknowledgment after submitting the report

     Report must be presented in a PDF format, unless requested otherwise

     Always deliver the report to approved stakeholders in the company in person

     Always send the report by email or CD-ROM

Question 196

Tom is a networking manager in XYZ Inc. He and his team were assigned the task to store and update the confidential files present on a remote server using Network File System (NFS) client-server application protocol. Since the files are confidential, Tom was asked to perform this operation in a secured manner by limiting the access only to his team. As per the instructions provided to him, to use NFS securely, he employed the process of limiting the superuser access privileges only to his team by using authentication based on the team personnel identity. Identify the method employed by Tom for securing access controls in NFS?


     Root Squashing



Question 197

Joe, an ECSA certified professional, is working on a pen testing engagement for one of his SME clients. He discovered the host file in one of the Windows machines has the following entry:65.172.55

After performing a Whois lookup, Joe discovered the IP does not refer to The network

admin denied modifying the host files.

Which type of attack does this scenario present?


     MAC spoofing

     DNS starvation

     DNS poisoning

Question 198

An employee is trying to access the internal website of his company. When he opened a webpage, he received an error message notifying “Proxy Authentication Required.” He approached the IT department

in the company and reported the issue. The IT staff explained him that this is an HTTP error indicating that the server is unable to process the request due to lack of appropriate client’s authentication credentials for a proxy server that is processing the requests between the clients and the server.

Identify the HTTP error code corresponding to the above error message received by the employee?





Question 199

Nancy Jones is a network admin at Society Technology Ltd. When she is trying to send data packets

from one network (Token-ring) to another network (Ethernet), she receives an error message stating:

‘Destination unreachable’

What is the reason behind this?

     TTL value in the packet header is not set

     Packet size is small and not able to reach the destination

     Packet contains image data

     Packet size is big and fragmentation is required

Question 200

Nick is a penetration tester in Stanbiz Ltd. As a part of his duty, he was analyzing the network

traffic by using various filters in the Wireshark tool. While sniffing the network traffic, he used

tcp.port==1433” Wireshark filter for acquiring a specific database related information since port

number 1433 is the default port of that specific target database.

Which of the following databases Nick is targeting in his test?


     Microsoft SQL Server



Question 201

Jack, a network engineer, is working on an IPv6 implementation for one of his clients. He deployed IPv6 on IPv4 networks using a mechanism where a node can choose from IPv6 or IPv4 based on

the DNS value. This makes the network resources work simpler.

What kind of technique did Jack use?



     Dual stacks


Question 202

A web application developer is writing code for validating the user input. His aim is to verify

the user input against a list of predefined negative inputs to ensure that the received input is not one among the negative conditions.

Identify the input filtering mechanism being implemented by the developer?



     White listing

     Black listing

Question 203

A penetration tester at Trinity Ltd. is performing IoT device testing. As part of this process,

he is checking the IoT devices for open ports using port scanners such as Nmap. After identifying the open ports, he started using automated tools to check each open port for any exploitable vulnerabilities.

Identify the IoT security issues the penetration tester is trying to uncover?

     Lack of transport encryption

     Insecure software/firmware

     Insecure network services

     Insufficient security configurability

Question 204

An attacker targeted to attack network switches of an organization to steal confidential information such as network subscriber information, passwords, etc. He started transmitting data through one switch to another by creating and sending two 802.1Q tags, one for the attacking switch and the other for victim switch. By sending these frames, the attacker is fooling the victim switch into thinking that the frame is intended for it. The target switch then forwards the frame to the victim port.

Identify the type of attack being performed by the attacker?

     VLAN hopping

     MAC flooding

     IP spoofing

     SNMP brute forcing

Question 205

Which of the following access point cannot be considered as rogue access point?

     AP is present in authorized list of APs

     AP with radio channel not present in the authorized list of channels

     AP with radio media type not present in the authorized list of media types

     AP not present in the authorized list of APs

Question 206

Jason is a penetration tester, and after completing the initial penetration test, he wanted to create a final penetration test report that consists of all activities performed throughout the penetration testing process.

Before creating the final penetration testing report, which of the following reports should Jason prepare in order to verify if any crucial information is missed from the report?

     Draft report

     Host report

     Activity report

     User report

Question 207

George, a reputed ethical hacker and penetration testing consultant, was hired by FNB Services, a startup financial services company, to audit the security of their web applications. During his investigation, George discovered that the company’s website is vulnerable to blind SQL injection attacks. George, entered a custom SQL query in a form located on the vulnerable page which resulted

in a back-end SQL query similar to the one given below: from+users+limit+0,1),1,2))= 97,555,777)

What is George trying to achieve with this custom SQL query?

     George is searching for the second character of the second table entry

     George is searching for the first character of all the table entries

     George is searching for the first character of the second table entry

     George is searching for the first character of the first table entry

Question 208

Thomas is an attacker and he skimmed through the HTML source code of an online shopping website for the presence of any vulnerabilities that he can exploit. He already knows that when a user makes any selection of items in the online shopping webpage, the selection is typically stored as form

field values and sent to the application as an HTTP request (GET or POST) after clicking the Submit button. He also knows that some fields related to the selected items are modifiable by the user (like quantity, color, etc.) and some are not (like price). While skimming through the HTML code, he identified that the price field values of the items are present in the HTML code. He modified the price field values of certain items from $200 to $2 in the HTML code and submitted the request successfully to the application.

Identify the type of attack performed by Thomas on the online shopping website?

     Session poisoning attack

     HTML embedding attack

     Hidden field manipulation attack

     XML external entity attack

Question 209

Allen and Greg, after investing in their startup company called Zamtac Ltd., developed a new web application for their company. Before hosting the application, they want to test the robustness and immunity of the developed web application against attacks like buffer overflow, DOS, XSS, and SQL injection.

What is the type of the web application security test Allen and Greg should perform?

     Web mirroring

     Web crawling

     Web fuzzing

     Web spidering

Question 210

Adam is an IT administrator for Syncan Ltd. He is designated to perform various IT tasks like

setting up new user accounts, managing backups/restores, security authentications and passwords, etc.

Whilst performing his tasks, he was asked to employ the latest and most secure authentication protocol to encrypt the passwords of users that are stored in the Microsoft Windows OS-based systems

which makes use of the Key Distribution Center (KDC). Which of the following authentication protocols

should Adam employ in order to achieve the objective?





Question 211

Steven is performing a wireless network audit. As part of the engagement, he is trying to crack a WPA-PSK key. Steven has captured enough packets to run aircrack-ng and discover the key, but aircrack-ng did not yield any result, as there were no authentication packets in the capture. Which of the following commands should Steven use to generate authentication packets?

     airmon-ng start eth0

     aircrack-ng.exe -a 2 -w capture.cap

     aireplay-ng --deauth 11 -a AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

     airodump-ng --write capture eth0

Question 212

Tecty Motors Pvt. Ltd. has recently deployed RFID technology in the vehicles which allows the car owner to unlock the car with the exchange of a valid RFID signal between a reader and a tag. Jamie, on the other hand, is a hacker who decided to exploit this technology with the aim of stealing the target vehicle. To perform this attack on the target vehicle, he first used an automated tool to intercept the signals between the reader and the tag to capture a valid RFID signal and then later used the same signal to unlock and steal the victim’s car.

Which of the following RFID attacks Jamie has performed in the above scenario?

     RFID cloning

     Power analysis attack

     Replay attack

     DoS attack

Question 213

A security analyst at Techsoft Solutions is performing penetration testing on the critical IT

assets of the company. Without any prior information about the target, he/she is simulating the methodologies and techniques, just like what real attacker does. This type of test is very time consuming and expensive since nothing is provided to pen tester, pentester has to gain required information on his/her own. Identify the type of testing performed by the security analyst?

     Blind testing

     Announced testing

     Unannounced testing

     White-box testing

Question 214

Michael, a Licensed Penetration Tester, wants to create an exact replica of an original website, so he can browse and spend more time analyzing it.

Which of the following tools will Michael use to perform this task?





Question 215

David is a penetration tester and he is attempting to extract password hashes from the Oracle database.

Which of the following utilities should David employ in order to brute-force password hashes from oracle databases?





Question 216

John is working as a cloud security analyst in an organization. The management instructed him to implement a technology in the cloud infrastructure which allows the organization to share the underlying cloud resources such as server, storage devices, and network. Which of the following technologies John must employ?

     Virtualization technology

     Site technology

     VoIP technology

     RFID technology

Question 217

Russel, a penetration tester after performing the penetration testing, wants to create a report so that he can provide details of the testing process and findings of the vulnerabilities to the management. Russel employs the commonly available vulnerability scoring framework called Common

Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) v3.0 ratings for grading the severity and risk level of identified vulnerabilities in the report. For a specific SMB-based vulnerability, Russel assigned a score of 8.7.

What is the level of risk or level of severity of the SMB vulnerability as per CVSS v3.0 for the assigned score?





Question 218

John is a newly appointed penetration testing manager in ABC Ltd. He is assigned a task to build a penetration testing team and asked to justify the return on investment (ROI).

To assess and predict the ROI of the team by considering the parameters like expected returns from the team and cost of investment, how can John calculate the ROI?

     ROI = (Cost of investment - Expected returns)/Expected returns

     ROI = (Expected returns + Cost of investment)/Cost of investment

     ROI = (Expected returns - Cost of investment)/Cost of investment

     ROI = (Cost of investment + Expected returns)/Expected returns

Question 219

Robert is a network admin in XYZ Inc. He deployed a Linux server in his enterprise network and wanted to share some critical and sensitive files that are present in the Linux server with his subordinates. He wants to set the file access permissions using chmod command in such a way that his

subordinates can only read/view the files but cannot edit or delete the files.

Which of the following chmod commands can Robert use in order to achieve his objective?

     chmod 777

     chmod 666

     chmod 644

     chmod 755

Question 220

A user unknowingly installed a fake malicious banking app in his Android mobile. This app

includes a configuration file that consists of phone numbers of the bank. When the user makes a call to the bank, he is automatically redirected to the number being used by the attacker. The attacker impersonates as a banking official. Also, the app allows the attacker to call the user, then the app displays fake caller ID on the user’s mobile resembling call from a legitimate bank. Identify the attack being performed on the Android mobile user?





Question 221

You are working on a pen testing assignment. Your client has asked for a document that shows them

the detailed progress of the pen testing.

Which document is the client asking for?

     Project plan with work breakdown structure

     Engagement log

     Scope of work (SOW) document

     Rule of engagement with signatures of both the parties

Question 222

AB Cloud services provide virtual platform services for the users in addition to storage. The company offers users with virtual machines and other abstracted hardware and operating systems (OSs)

which may be controlled through a service API. What is the name of the service AB Cloud services offer?

     Platform as a service (PaaS)

     Software as a Service (SaaS)

     Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

     Web Application Services

Question 223

Harry, a penetration tester in SqSac Solutions Ltd., is trying to check if his company’s SQL

server database is vulnerable. He also wants to check if there are any loopholes present that can enable the perpetrators to exploit and gain access to the user account login details from the database. After performing various test attempts, finally Harry executes an SQL query that enabled him to extract all the available Windows Login Account details.

Which of the following SQL queries did Harry execute to obtain the information?

     SELECT name FROM sys.server_principals WHERE TYPE = 'G'

     SELECT name FROM sys.server_principals WHERE TYPE = 'I'

     SELECT name FROM sys.server_principals WHERE TYPE = 'U‘

     SELECT name FROM sys.server_principals WHERE TYPE = 'R'

Question 224

Jacob is a penetration tester at TechSoft Inc. based at Singapore. The company assigned him the task of conducting penetration test on the IoT devices connected to the corporate network. As part of

this process, he captured the network traffic of the devices, their mobile applications, and cloud connections to check whether any critical data are transmitted in plain text. Also, he tried to check whether SSL/TLS protocols are properly updated and implemented. Which of the following IoT security issues Jacob is dealing with?

     Insecure software/firmware

     Lack of transport encryption

     Poor authentication/authorization

     Privacy concerns

Question 225

An organization hosted a website to provide services to its customers. A visitor of this website

has reported a complaint to the organization that they are getting an error message with code 502 when they are trying to access the website. This issue was forwarded to the IT department in the organization. The IT department identified the reason behind the error and started resolving the issue by checking whether the server is overloaded, whether the name resolution is working properly,

whether the firewall is configured properly, etc.

Identify the error message corresponding to code 502 that the visitors obtained when they tried to access the organization’s website?


     Bad gateway

     Internal error

     Bad request

Question 226

Rock is a disgruntled employee of XYZ Inc. He wanted to take revenge. For that purpose, he created a malicious software that automatically visits every page on the company’s website, checks pages for important links to other content recursively, and indexes them in a logical flow. By using this malicious software, he gathered a lot of crucial information that is required to exploit the organization.

What is the type of software that Rock developed?

     Web spider

     Web scanner

     Web proxy

     Web fuzzer

Question 227

Jan is a newly joined penetration tester for XYZ Ltd. While joining, as a part of her training, she was instructed about various legal policies and information securities acts by her trainer. During the training, she was informed about a specific information security act related to the conducts and activities like it is illegal to perform DoS attacks on any websites or applications, it is illegal to supply and own hacking tools, it is illegal to access unauthorized computer material, etc. To which type of information security act does the above conducts and activities best suit?

     Police and Justice Act 2006

     Data Protection Act 1998

     USA Patriot Act 2001

     Human Rights Act 1998

Question 228

Adam is an IT administrator for Hyperscan LLC. He is designated to perform various IT tasks like setting up new user accounts, managing backup/restores, security authentications and passwords, etc. Whilst performing his tasks, he was asked to employ the latest and most secure authentication protocol to encrypt the passwords of users that are stored in the Microsoft Windows OS-based systems. Which of the following authentication protocols should Adam employ in order to achieve the objective?





Question 229

Hans Olo, a Licensed Penetration Tester, wants to create an exact replica of an original website, so he can browse and spend more time analyzing it. Which of the following tools will Mr. Olo use to perform this task?





Question 230





Question 231





Question 232

An organization deployed Microsoft Azure cloud services for running their business activities. They appointed Jamie, a security analyst for performing cloud penetration testing. Microsoft prohibits certain tests to be carried out on their platform. Which of the following penetration testing activities Jamie cannot perform on the Microsoft Azure cloud service?

     Post scanning


     Log monitoring

     Load testing

Question 233

Peter, a disgruntled ex-employee of Zapmaky Solutions Ltd., is trying to jeopardize the company’s website He conducted the port scan of the website by using the Nmap tool to extract the information about open ports and their corresponding services. While performing the scan, he recognized that some of his requests are being blocked by the firewall deployed by the IT personnel of Zapmaky and he wants to bypass the same. For evading the firewall, he wanted to employ the stealth scanning technique which is an incomplete TCP three-way handshake method that can effectively bypass the firewall rules and logging mechanisms. Which if the following Nmap commands should Peter execute to perform stealth scanning?

     nmap -sT -v

     nmap -T4 -A -v

     nmap -sX -T4 -A -v

     nmap -sN -A

Question 234

Mr. Riddick is an attacker who wants to attack XYZ Inc. He has performed reconnaissance over all the publicly available resources of the company and identified the official company website He scanned all the pages of the company website to find for any potential vulnerabilities to exploit. Finally, in the user account login page of the company’s website, he found a user login form which consists of several fields that accepts user inputs like username and password. He also found than any non-validated query that is requested can be directly communicated to the active directory and enable unauthorized users to obtain direct access to the databases. Since Mr. Riddick knew an employee named Jason from XYZ Inc., he enters a valid username “jason” and injects “jason)(&))” in the username field. In the password field, Mr. Riddick enters “blah” and clicks Submit button. Since the complete URL string entered by Mr. Riddick becomes “(& (USER=jason)(&))(PASS=blah)),” only the first filter is processed by the Microsoft Active Directory, that is, the query “(&(USER=jason)(&))” is processed. Since this query always stands true, Mr. Riddick successfully logs into the user account without a valid password of Jason. In the above scenario, identify the type of attack performed by Mr. Riddick?

     LDAP injection attack

     HTML embedding attack

     Shell injection attack

     File injection attack

Question 235

An organization has deployed a web application that uses encoding technique before transmitting the data over the Internet. This encoding technique helps the organization to hide the confidential data such as user credentials, email attachments, etc. when in transit. This encoding technique takes 3 bytes of binary data and divides it into four chunks of 6 bits. Each chunk is further encoded into respective printable character. Identify the encoding technique employed by the organization?

     Unicode encoding

     Base64 encoding

     URL encoding

     HTMS encoding

Question 236

SecGlobal Corporation hired Hans Olo, a penetration tester. Management asked Hans Olo to perform cloud penetration testing on the company’s cloud infrastructure. As a part of his task, he started checking all the agreements with cloud service provider and came to a conclusion that it is not possible to perform penetration testing on the cloud services that are being used by the organization due to the level of responsibilities between company and the Cloud Service Provider (CSP). Identify the type of cloud service deployed by the organization?

     Platform as a service (PaaS)

     Software as a service (SaaS)

     Anything as a service (XaaS)

     Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Question 237

A team of cyber criminals in Germany has sent malware-based emails to workers of a fast-food center which is having multiple outlets spread geographically. When any of the employees click on the malicious email, it will give backdoor access to the point of sale (POS) systems located at various outlets. After gaining access to the POS systems, the criminals will be able to obtain credit card details of the fast-food center’s customers. In the above scenario, identify the type of attack being performed on the fast-food center?




     Dumpster diving

Question 238

Fred, who owns a company called Skyfeit Ltd., wants to test the enterprise network for presence of any vulnerabilities and loopholes. He employed a third-party penetration testing team and asked them to perform the penetration testing over his organizational infrastructure. Fred briefed the team about his network infrastructure and provided them with a set of IP addresses on which they can perform tests. He gave them strict instruction not to perform DDoS attacks or access the domain servers in the company. He also instructed them that they can carry out the penetration tests even when the regular employees are on duty since they lack the clue about the happenings. However, he asked the team to take care that no interruption in business continuity should be caused. He also informed the penetration testing team that they get only 1 month to carry out the test and submit the report. What kind of penetration test did Fred ask the third- party penetration testing team to perform?

     Announced testing

     Blind testing

     Grey-Box testing

     Unannounced testing

Question 239

Ross performs security test on his company’s network assets and creates a detailed report of all the findings. In his report, he clearly explains the methodological approach that he has followed in finding the loopholes in the network. However, his report does not mention about the security gaps that can be exploited or the amount of damage that may result from the successful exploitation of the loopholes. The report does not even mention about the remediation steps that are to be taken to secure the network. What is the type of test that Ross has performed?

     Penetration testing

     Vulnerability assessment

     Risk assessment

     Security audit

Question 240

JUA Networking Solutions is a group of certified ethical hacking professionals with a large client base. Stanley works as a penetrating tester at this firm. Future group approached JUA for an internal pen test. Stanley performs various penetration testing test sequences and gains information about the network resources and shares, routing tables, audit and service settings, SNMP and DNS details, machine names, users and groups, applications and banners. Identify the technique that gave Stanley this information.



     Ping sweeps

     Port scanning

Question 241

Moses, a professional hacker, attempts to overwhelm the target victim computer by transmitting TCP connection requests faster than the computer can process them. He started sending multiple SYN packets of size between 800 and 900 bytes with spoofed source addresses and port numbers. The main intention of Moses behind this attack is to exhaust the server resources and saturate the network of the target organization. Identify the type of attack being performed by Moses?

     VTP attack

     DoS attack

     ARP attack

     HSRP attack

Question 242

Mulder, an ex-employee of Netabb Ltd. with bruised feelings due to his layoff, tries to take revenge against the company. He randomly tried several attacks against the organization. As some of the employees used weak passwords to their user accounts, Mulder was successful in cracking the user accounts of several employees with the help of a common passwords file. What type of password cracking attack did Mulder perform?

     Hybrid attack

     Dictionary attack

     Brute forcing attack

     Birthday attack

Question 243

Mr. Riddick, a research scholar, received an email informing that someone is trying to access his Google account from an unknown device. When he opened his email message, it looked like a standard Google notification instructing him to click the link below to take further steps. This link was redirected to a malicious webpage where he was tricked to provide Google account credentials.

Mr. Riddick observed that the URL began with giving a legitimate appearance. In the above scenario, identify the type of attack being performed on Mr. Riddick’s email account?


     Dumpster diving



Question 244

During scanning of a test network, Paul sends TCP probe packets with the ACK flag set to a remote device and then analyzes the header information (TTL and WINDOW field) of the received RST packets to find whether the port is open or closed. Analyze the scanning result below and identify the open port.

     Port 22

     Port 23

     Port 21

     Port 20

Question 245

Jeffry, a penetration tester in Repotes Solutions Pvt. Ltd., is facing a problem in testing the firewall. By consulting other penetration testers and considering other penetration testing approaches, he was able to take critical decisions on how to test the

firewall; he was finally successful in testing the firewall for vulnerabilities. In which of the following sections of penetration testing report will Jeffry mention the above situation?


     Evaluation purpose


     System description

Question 246

Analyze the packet capture from Wireshark below and mark the correct statement.
     It is an invalid DNS query

     It is a DNS response message

     It is an answer to the iterative query from DNS server

     It is Host (A record) DNS query message

Question 247

Henderson has completed the pen testing tasks. He is now compiling the final report for the client. Henderson needs to include the result of scanning that revealed a SQL injection vulnerability and different SQL queries that he used to bypass web application authentication. In which section of the pen testing report, should Henderson include this information?

     General opinion section

     Methodology section

     Compressive technical report section

     Executive summary section

Question 248

John, a security analyst working for LeoTech organization, was asked to perform penetration testing on the client organizational network. In this process, he used a method that involves threatening or convincing a person from the client organization to obtain sensitive information. Identify the type of penetration testing performed by John on the client organization?

     Wireless network penetration testing

     Social engineering penetration testing

     Mobile device penetration testing

     Web application penetration testing

Question 249

Which of the following acts provides federal protections for personal health information held by covered entities and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information?





Question 250

John is a penetration tester who wants to perform port scan on the DNS Server (IP address: deployed in the perimeter. In his primary research, he identified that the DNS server

is configured with default settings. Since he is employing Nmap tool to perform port scanning, which

of the following Nmap commands should John execute to port scan the DNS Server?

     nmap -sS -sU –p 80

     nmap -sS -sU –p 69

     nmap -sS -sU –p 123

     nmap -sS -sU –p 53

Question 251

Frodo, an employee in EvilCorp Ltd., notices a USB flash drive on the pavement of the company. Before he could hand it over to the security guard, he tries to check it out. He connects it with an OTG to his mobile phone and finds some of his favorite music playlists and games. He tries to download them into his mobile, but very lately he came to know that he has been attacked and some of his sensitive financial information was exposed to attackers. What type of attacks did Frodo face?

     Social engineering attack

     Phishing attack

     Wardriving attack

     Impersonation attack

Question 252

Which of the following information security acts enables to ease the transfer of financial information between institutions and banks while making the rights of the individual through security requirements more specific?

     The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

     Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX)

     Computer Misuse Act 1990

     Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)

Question 253

Peter is working on a pen testing assignment. During the reconnaissance phase, Peter discovered that the client’s SYSLOG systems are taken off for four hours on the second Saturday of every month for maintenance. He wants to analyze the client’s web pages for sensitive information without triggering their logging mechanism. There are hundreds of pages on the client’s website and it is difficult to analyze all the information in just four hours. What will Peter do to analyze all the web pages in a stealthy manner?

     Use HTTrack to mirror the complete website

     Use WayBackMachine

     Perform reverse DNS lookup

     Search the Internet, newsgroups, bulletin boards, and negative websites for information about the client

Question 254

SecInfo is a leading cyber security provider who recently hired Andrew, a security analyst. He was assigned the task of identifying vulnerabilities in the NFC devices by performing an attack on them. In this process, he was present with his receiver. Identify the type of attack performed by Andrew on the target NFC devices?

     Ticket cloning

     MITM attack

     DoS attack

     Virus attack

Question 255

A recent study from HyThech Technologies found that three of the most popular websites are having most commonly exploitable flaw in their web applications. Using this vulnerability, an attacker may inject malicious code that can be executed on a user’s machine. Also, the study revealed that most sensitive target of this vulnerability is stealing session cookies. This helps attackers to duplicate the user session and access anything the user can perform on a website like manipulating personal information, creating fake social media posts, stealing credit card information and performing unauthorized financial transactions, etc. Identify the vulnerability revealed by HyThech Technologies?

     DoS vulnerability

     Buffer overflow vulnerability

     Insecure decentralization vulnerability

     XSS vulnerability

Question 256

Clark, a professional hacker, decided to bring down the services provided by the target organization. In the initial information-gathering stage, he detected some vulnerabilities in the TCP/IP protocol stack of the victim’s system. He exploited these vulnerabilities to create multiple malformed packets in ample magnitude and has sent these unusually crafted packets to the victim’s machine. Identify the type of attack being performed by Clark?

     Dictionary attack

     DoS attack

     SNMP brute-forcing attack

     ARP attack

Question 257

Jackson, a social media editor for Early Times, identified that there are exploitable zero-day vulnerabilities in many of the open source protocols and common file formats across software used by some of the specific industries. To identify vulnerabilities in software, he had sent malformed or random input to the target software and then observed the result. This technique helps in uncovering zero-day vulnerabilities and helps security teams in identifying areas where the quality and security of the software need to be improved. Identify the technique used by Jackson to uncover zero-day vulnerabilities?

     Application fuzz testing

     Application black testing

     Source code review

     Application white testing

Question 258

An organization recently faced a cyberattack where an attacker captured legitimate user credentials and gained access to the critical information systems. He also led other malicious hackers in gaining access to the information systems. To defend and prevent such attacks in future, the organization has decided to route all the incoming and outgoing network traffic through a centralized access proxy apart from validating user credentials. Which of the following defensive mechanisms the organization is trying to strengthen?





Question 259

Hans Olo, a penetration tester of Rolatac Pvt. Ltd., has completed his initial penetration testing and now he needs to create a penetration testing report for company’s client, management, and top officials for their reference. For this, he created a report providing a detailed summary of the complete penetration testing process of the project that he has undergone, its outcomes, and recommendations for future testing and exploitation. In the above scenario, which type of penetration testing report has Hans Olo prepared?

     Host report

     Activity report

     User report

     Executive report

Question 260

Gibson, a security analyst at MileTech Solutions, is performing cloud penetration testing. As part of this process, he needs to check for any governance and compliance issues against cloud services. Which of the following documents helps Gibson in checking whether the CSP is regularly audited and certified for compliance issues?

     Service level agreement

     Data use agreement

     ROE agreement

     Nondisclosure agreement

Question 261

StarMotel is a prominent chain of hotels in the world that uses high-tech solutions to ease the stay of their guests. In those high-tech solutions, they deployed RFID cards using which a guest can get access to the allocated hotel room. Keeping an eye on the RFID technology and with an objective of exploiting it, John, a professional hacker, decided to hack it in order to obtain access to any room in the target hotel. In this process, he first pulled an RFID keycard from the trash of the target hotel and identified the master keycard code in several tries using an RFID card reading and writing tool. Then, he created its clone using a new RFID card that gave him free reign to roam in any hotel room in the building. Identify the RFID attack John has performed on the target hotel?

     RFID spoofing attack

     Reverse engineering attack

     RFID replay attack

     Power analysis attack

Question 262

An attacker impersonated himself as a pizza delivery boy and is waiting outside the target company. He observed that an employee of the company is gaining security approval to enter the campus. When the employee is opening the entrance door of the company, the attacker requested the employee to hold the door open to enter into the company. In the above scenario, identify the technique used by the attacker to enter into the company?

     Dumpster diving




Question 263

A disgruntled employee Robert targeted to acquire business secrets of the organization he is working in and wants to sell them to a competing organization for some financial gain. He started gathering information about the organization and

somehow found out that the organization is conducting a meeting to discuss future business plans. To collect the information about the organization’s business plans, he had built a listening device housed in his bag and arrived the meeting location wearing a suit and tie. One of the employees of the organization thought he was a senior executive from other branch who came to attend the meeting and readily took him to the meeting room. Robert waited until that employee left the meeting room and planted listening devices at multiple places in the room. Then, he went outside the building and started listening and recorded all the conversations in the meeting. Identify the type of attack being performed by Robert on the target organization?



     Shoulder surfing


Question 264

A company identified critical vulnerability in its hyperconverged infrastructure that provides services such as computing, networking, and storage resources in a single system. Also, the company identified that this vulnerability may lead to various injection attacks that allow the attackers to execute malicious commands as the root users. The company decided to immediately implement appropriate countermeasure to defend against such attacks. Which of the following defensive mechanisms should the company employ?

     Data correlation

     Patch management

     Input validation

     Session management

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